Thursday, December 21, 2006

I think this has to be my favorite dress so far that I've made. The details on the gown are all photosourced jewelry, the fabric created by hand. The jacket turned out fabulous. I've again used gradient alphas again on the skirts. I think I like that effect a lot. This comes, like all my dresses, with a couple of flex prim skirts. And in this case, a prim belt.

For those of you that play in the Gor worlds, or just someone wanting to cover up a little bit, I've created a number of 'modesty' jackets for all my gowns and decided to sell them in large packages for low prices.

I got to fooling around, trying to see if I could make a long train on a dress. Photoimaged resources and some playing about with gradient alpha channels. These were the results.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Champagne gown has become very popular, I suspect due in part, to a mention here:

In tribute to this, I've created several different colors and put them up for sale today.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Gowns

Four new dresses, wintry blue, ho ho ho red, cranberry red and holly berry green - we think you'll find these gowns like nothing anyone else has created. A touch of Renaissance, flex prims, two skirts, one full and the other sleek, all trimed in fur.

Friday, November 17, 2006

I created these a few weeks ago. Photo reference for the top of the gown.

As you might note: most of my dresses have a vague historical fantasy theme to them. Here are two more. In the future I might release different colors of both. Each dress comes with a variety of prims - sleeves, skirts, belt. I played around with a different concept on the jeweled skirt, it'll be obvious when you wear it.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I thought I'd try something a little more like a Regency dress. It turned out nicely, I used a texture on the prim skirt that's transparent at the top, so it blends nicely, and used a prim band about the breasts.

In the spirit of more historical gowns, here are 5 various prim gowns.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

In the name of 'catching up', here are some gowns from earlier this week:

My first attempt at something sheerly historical, black shown, but there's also a red and purple version as well.

The Champagne gown. Green, Pink, and the Original. Texture was photo source, then used photoshop to manipulate. It took a lot of tries to get that texture to wrap around right, making the wrinkles. :)

Welcome to DeFleur!

Welcome all.

Each week we'll post our latest creations in Second Life and tell you all about them. We hope you'll enjoy them and look forward to showing you everything!